Saturday, August 22, 2009

2day is celest birthday!!!!!
happy birthday 2 uuuu~~~

how i start
first for 2day
i went 2 midvally
because i need 2 buy a new hp

new hp

is my la~

then we walk walk
eat eat
at midvally

about 5.30++
i need 2 rush back home
becasue going 2 celest birthday party at 6.30++

at about 7
i'm the first person arrive 2 her birthday party
then we having bbq
n food n FOOD~

her house is very nice n tidy
after all the thing

we having cake after we eatting

celest n yee~

laugh out loud~~~

celest still laughing

preparing 2 cut the cake

making wish

feed both with the cake
after the cake
celest going 2 sing us a song

she playing guitar herself

sing hard~
after that
we chat at outside
n talk n talk n talk~
time is running fast~
we going back about 11++

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