Friday, June 5, 2009


2day is kuan big day
so we going her house for bbq

at 5++
going 2 lm wait for all my friend
then michelle call me meet her at wong kok

when i reach there
meimei n cherng n miss black also arrive 2 lm

when we walk out from wongkok
we saw kheng siang n her sis coming

then we go buy present for kuan n when we finish
we call her come n fetch us

when we arrive 2 her house
yanyi already at there
we got nth 2 do at there
then we go 2 the living hall sing k

we r so noise

be4 that i n miss black take take some picture

2 stupid r taking picture
when i walk out 2 the garden
this thing is blocking my road

n meimei at outside preparing all the bbq thing for us
we just wait for food

be4 we eatting
picture again~
this time got cherng some more

at that time
puiyan n lipeng also arrive

then we start our bbq dinner~
all just know eat eat eat

we finish until 9++
then we sing k again
become nosie again

miss black capture by me

yanyi solo~

c the stupid
then about 10++
kuan is blowing the cake

after the cake
we taking picture again
this time is group picture at kuan kitchen mirror
got a bunch of picture

after we taking picture
is game time
we r plying opposite
the first time meimei lost
then we call he take off the pant

then is kuan n yanyi n meimei lost
we call them step on meimei back

the last is yanyi lost
of course we will call she have a monkey dance

we play until 11.30++
then kuan mom fetch us back 1 by 1
cherng stop at my house waiting for his mom
wait about 10 min++
then he back
i need 2 sleep now~
2 taird
have a great day~

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