Thursday, June 18, 2009


i'm very very happy 2day
my add math finally pass!!!

got some is the teacher did't gv mark
because be4 my addmath is 31%
then i add 1 more mark that teacher didt mark
then is 32% now
for the another 3 marks
i call teacher 2 help me find
n find find find just can add more 2 marks for me
but still not pass

then i told teacher that i get 1 more marks
then i will pass the paper
then teacher say
'aya~ u can do it right!! is't u didt enough time 2 complete the paper'
then i say yes

sudden teacher say
'i add 1 more mraks for u la~
BUT dont tell other ppl that i add for u~'

omg the teacher so nice~
next time i wan 2 get higher marks for add math!!!
that's my target!!!

get moral paper 2 day also
n i call teacher find some more marks for me that i can pass
then teacher keep the paper n help me find a bit more marks
thx teacher!!!

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