Thursday, June 25, 2009


2day after school
we going sing k at greenbox

iwaiting chanhoe n kokhou arrive 2 my house
then we take taxi go 2 fetch michelle tan

then we going greenbox
simple right

dunno write about wht
just have a look with the picture

like pig

i didt know that seewye will go sing with us
but at last
she also come n join us

michelle tan
so hard 2 get her photo
she alys take ppl picture but she dont gv us take
now finally i got can take already
wahahahahahaha [laugh like devil]

ok then until chanhoe solo

after sing k
i going 2 the cinema buy transformers 2 movie ticket for 2moro

then we rush back 2 tuition
but is already late
so we skip math class

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