Friday, April 10, 2009


2day very very unhappy
i have argue with 2 friend
i felt very very sad

i hate this month
i hate it
every week
every day
i also get scold
i hate it very much!!!!

''i wish i not born in this world''

stop all the sadness

when i went back home
here is where the happiness begin~
my 2 little cousin
they so funny

my aunty going 2 go dantal clinic at damansara
so we going 2 have mcdonald down the dantal clinic

after finish eatting
my 2 little cousin licking the tomato sauce~

so crazy***

her sister also follow~

then at the night
we r going 2 have dinner with my pj cousin
she is also very crazy

my stupid cousin playing my computer

this is very very cute

is't look like pig

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