Friday, October 28, 2011


today going to a school trip!
for an art gallery~
at somewhere near jalan duta
i think this is a good trip
cus it's make us know more about painting
lets the picture tell the story~

this is the art piece from pavilion

this is very nice~

i like this kind of art work
it's cute!

chinese art piece

this is very nice~

i wonder when i can draw out this kind of work

made by clay

this art piece make me think about kate perry firework!

nice sculpture

i like this!

chinese ink art work

this art piece so emo!

very nice!

dunno wht it's talk about

like it!
watercolour art

made by steel

this is not a photo ohh!
is a painting!

i hate durian!

this is very cute artwork!

all is draw by the same artiest!

graphic style!

asian style!

i like this very much!!!!!

from the china studio!

this is draw by the ballpen!
it's so cool!


i like this!

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