Wednesday, October 19, 2011


finally reached the drama day
total is 5 group in the c.s class
each of us will present a short commercial with a given object

some of the picture that took by that day

phei yi play as the judas!
so many kacau behind

wei bao, the marat!

iphone 6

our group member
not include mandy

shi qin play as juliet
n also the birthday girl

the most ugly judas

funny douuu!

after the picture,
going to start the drama by the group 1

pei jin in the cam XD

this is gruop 5

after the drama,
all started get crazyyy!

tall fairy~

cute leh

dont la XD

after all the drama
they coming my house overnight cus we going to pasar malam
all also excited about it
but rain in the night
at last we also got go to pasar malam n many funny thing happen during there

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