Monday, October 31, 2011


today also rushing for the homework!
this time doing in the studio!

lets show some of our 3D project work~

this is our 3D model~

below is draft and detail

Sunday, October 30, 2011


today after gym i went to hostel there for doing my homework!
all also rushing for the homework because of the sem break!

thx to-

Saturday, October 29, 2011


today i went to bukit tinggi working leh!
i have to rush for my homework but i have to work also!


Friday, October 28, 2011


today going to a school trip!
for an art gallery~
at somewhere near jalan duta
i think this is a good trip
cus it's make us know more about painting
lets the picture tell the story~

this is the art piece from pavilion

this is very nice~

i like this kind of art work
it's cute!

chinese art piece

this is very nice~

i wonder when i can draw out this kind of work

made by clay

this art piece make me think about kate perry firework!

nice sculpture

i like this!

chinese ink art work

this art piece so emo!

very nice!

dunno wht it's talk about

like it!
watercolour art

made by steel

this is not a photo ohh!
is a painting!

i hate durian!

this is very cute artwork!

all is draw by the same artiest!

graphic style!

asian style!

i like this very much!!!!!

from the china studio!

this is draw by the ballpen!
it's so cool!


i like this!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


today is ying yi big day leh
we going to neway for celebrate
sing k leh!!!!
long time no sing jor luuu~
then for today we all wear formal because of ying yi!!
so the hell hot
lets picture tell u about today story~

lady in the red XD
miss joanne

sing k in progress~

our big sister peiyi solo~

this two singing sweet song~

sing till sot jor XD

both also class reps

n both also crazy until no image XD

rins kena rogol!!!

then after finish sing k
we going to wongkok makan dinner
picture again~

tebu holding ying yi ic
then is the cake to appear~

soyk sendiri XD

"i hope i can be more beautiful"

then dream come true!

soyk sendiri again! XD

eat cake time!

peiyi so funny leh the face expression! XD

she wan like"GIVE MY THE CAKE!!!" XD

then the giant milk tea appear~

kissing time XD


feed by us!

ke shin n connie n tebuuu~

rins kiss AGAIN!

pei yi dumb look XD
then after we all finish dinner
we playing true or dare!
hate this game leh!!!