Thursday, November 5, 2009


2day going sing k with my tuition friends
is about 12++ we arrive
then we wait until 1++ for happy hour

group photo

me n michelle

can u c wenhooi in the dark
laugh dao so funny

me n kokhou sing until so serious

this is our food
all the same

finally our queen open her gold mouth for singing

group photo again

after the K
we go n have something 2 eat
kokhou bring us 2 the spicy 'ban mee'

while waiting
michelle take this picture

look at seewye face
look so stun

this is waiyan
sunshine laugh

after all the food
then we go 2 tuition place for bbq
but there is so boring
nth 2 eat
nth 2 drink
all is kidssssssss


so we going 2 station 1 have a drink

seewye playing with the paper umbrella
so kawayiiiii

the next is banana split
this also wan 2 play

we put the paper umbrella on her head

look so funny with the umbrella

our banana split
because of the tuition there nth 2 eat

si mun also crazy with seewye

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