Saturday, November 7, 2009


2day is my house bbq day
in the morning
while i at jusco buying thing
someone call me

is wenhooi
she say she at my house already
n only 11++
so early come 2 my house

then i 55 buy all the thing n go back home

at the afternoon
me n she prepare all the thing for tonight

so at 5++
some of them are arrive
n then we prepare the fire at that time
n it's raining

kokhou preparing
so hardworking

guess who is this
look fat

because of the rain
so we make the fire inside

the malaysia TOP MODEL!!!!!

2 aunty sit at there n no need 2 help
c peiwen
like scolding ppl

kokhou playing with the umbrella because is 2 hot

at 7++
we start our bbq
look at peiwen face
look so angry~

wenhooi gv kokhou scold again
n is always~

a pretty girl eatting her lamb chop

my lovely lamb

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