Friday, February 27, 2009


when i start a post
i wan ask something
if u tell ur friend come at 10am for breakfast
then ur friend come at 12pm
u will angry a not???
if ur friend come at 12pm
n u have prepard all the breakfast
n ur friend dun wan 2 eat the breakfast
will u angry a not!!!!!!!

yeaterday my friend say want 2 come my house for breakfast
n is 2 day
so i wake up at 8am++ waiting for my friend
then my friend phone me
n we chat on phone
after that
i go 2 bath n still waiting for my friend
at 9.30am
my first friend arrive
n we wait for other
2 more friend is coming
but we wait n wait n wait
until 10am
i very hungry already
so i phone my friend ask y havent come
then she say havent done
she call us cook first
we cook first
while we cook...

my friend -chanhoe- is cooking
i took this photo

after we finish cooking
it's about 11.20-30++
my friend also havent reach
so i call chanhoe 2 phone my friend
n she say havent done!!!!!!!
wht the hell
i very very angry at that time
i have prepard all the thing n they still havent come
at 12pm
they reach my house n is already 12pm!!!!!
please have a count that i have wait how many hour
is 2 hour!!!!
2 hour i have wait!!!
now we is not eatting breakfast already
what the hell
n my friend still wan gv me c her face
what the hell!!!
now is't i wrong!!!
i have cook all the food n prepard all the thing
n u all just come sit down n eat only
still gv me c face!!!
is't i wrong

so i didt care about my friend
i didt talk 2 them
more thing happen at the end
she just leave n didt eat the breakfast
what the hell!!!!!
what kine of human being is this

so i just finish all the thing with my friend
n i was very very very so fucking angry
then we finish the ''lunch'' about 12.30++
then we clean up everything
n prepard 2 go greenbox
so get my bath at 2.30
n we go by taxi

when we reach there
is the happiness begin
kok hou n her cousin have reach there
n we go in the room together
then we sing sing sing

didt take picture~

n guess wht
kok hou is singing malay song

when he is singing is really laugh out my ass
we sing until 6pm
then i take taxi back with michelle peng
my funny friend
so kok hou wait at the bus stop waiting for her cousin mom fetch
then we go n ask how much for going back 2 my house
n guess how much is the price
is RM20!!!
what the hell
when we going 2 greenbox is just RM6
then going back need RM20!!
then i phone my mom come n fetch me
RM20 is 2 expansive for my n michelle peng
then i going back 2 the bus stop for wait my mom
n we meet kok hou again
is finish~
4 more day 2 exam
wht the hell~

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