Saturday, February 21, 2009



i Have fix my memory card~
fix until 1am++
tired die me~

then wake up early moring at 7am++
dunno y sudden will wake at that time


wht a boring saturday~
no go out shopping~
my family all going 2 sungai congkak fishing at 12pm++
i dunwan 2 go so i stay at home
how is my lunch??


i just phone michelle tan(my best friend)for lunch
so she decied 2 go jusco for lunch
so i take taxi n go n fetch her n her sister then we go jusco for...


having at jusco about 4pm++

then after we finish our 'lunch'
we go 2 the jusco game corner ply game

so lame

ply some stupid game~

then we go back by texi at 5pm++

n i already full at that time
so i didt take my dinner

just like that then a day have passed...

wht a life~

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