Saturday, March 31, 2012


hanging around at Ikea at the afternoon!!
my friend going to buy something 
so we went there
after that we going to uptown have our dessert ZEN Q!!
in love with it alot!!
and some random picture

i like this effect alot!
vintage effect

then start to distort effect 
freaking funnyy!

after some picture
finally our dessert arrive

mango shave ice

strawberry shave ice

mine is signature ice

and this is all of our dessert

after that
we planning to go bukit bintang for a tea
cus we eat too full!!!
after we reach there
sam say we go for a movie
then we walk all the way to pavilion and c for the movie
but at last end up with chanhoe have to wake up early in the next day
so we heading back home!!!
and walk back all the way to time square
when we pay the parking fee
and guess what that happen during earth hour

RM159 !!???

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