Tuesday, December 29, 2009


2day is the last day for our trip
2moro going back 2 k.l lo~~~~

so 2day we also got many place going de
in the early morning
we going to the ''xi hu''
is a lake
but a very big lake
it's about 4 of singapore big
so enjoy the picture~

so then
after the lake
we going 2 the pearl factory~

this is showing how they ouen the oyster
n collect the pearl inside

this is mr.bookworm
so after the factory
we need say byebye to ''wuxi'' la~
going back 2 shanghai la~
it's take about 2hours++ going back 2 shanghai
so on the way
take some building picture
because it is beautiful~

after about 2hours++
we arrive back 2 shanghai la~
then they bring us 2 shopping at nanjing road!!!!

but they just gv ur 40min++ at there only
because we need to rush to the ferry there n c the night shanghai view

so nice the night shanghai view~
after that
we all must be very hungry jor
so we going 2 the 5 star restaurant n enjoy our last dinner at shanghai

this is the 5 star restaurant
is buffet inside n got alot alot of nice food inside
after all the food
we all taking picture at there
because we have alot of haagen-dazs!!!!!

c the haagen-dazs cup!!!

guess got how many at there
got 42 cup of them

this is nike boy!!!
he is the most naughty boy in the whole tour!!!

can c his hair
got a nike sign de
so noob!!

then we have group photo leh

n let me introduce to u all
our tour guide

mr.xiao wang!!!!

then group photo again

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