Saturday, September 5, 2009


2day we going 2 watch final destination at pavilion
so we go 2 l.m for meet up all ppl first

then we take bus going 2 there
while on the bus
someone phone me that the ticket have sold out

so we rush 2 pavilion for buy the ticket
when we arrive 2 the cinema
there r so many ppl at there
n we decide 2 watch at 4.50
so we go n buy ticket

then something unhappy that happen!!!
the guy dont wan sell the ticket for me because we r underage
then i argue with the guy
but still not work

n we try many way 2 buy the ticket
but also no use

then at last
we forget about it

then we go s.w yamcha at gasoline
take some picture at there

stupid wenhooi!!!

stupid cherng also!!!

stupid meiemi~~

sotsot kheng hsiang~~

n stupid wenhooi again~

so after yamcha
they going back home by take bus
n i'm alone at t.s
then walk back 2 pavilion n wait for my mom~

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